If it’s true what Henri Cartier-Bresson once said, that our first 10,000 photos will be our worst, then it’s safe to say that Goa Photo Project 2019 has given people an opportunity to get past 10,001. The event was truly a showcase for photographers and artists who have embraced this decisive moment.
Goa Photo Project 2019 was held
What is Goa Photo Project 2019?
GPP 2019 began on 7th January, and saw the particitpation of almost 200 talented photographers and 40+ couples. Our moto? To provide set a stage for young talented photographers in Goa to get the exposure they deserve. And kick start their career in photography if they havent already.
Dignitaries Involved
Capt. Rajat Kishore
Capt. Rajat Kishore is the visionary of Goa Photo Project and is the driving force behind his venture – Lokaso. He specialises in Strategic Consulting, including business plan & sales strategy development.
And is currently working on the formation of corporations and business structures.
Mr. Rajtilak Nayak : Chief Guest
Mr. Rajtilak Nayak has spent a greater part of his life capturing only the best. He is presently working as the Chief Photographer at Times of India, Goa. And looks forward to helping find new talent in the field of photography.
Mrs. Assavri Kulkarni
Mrs. Assavri Kulkarni starred as the judge at Goa Photo Project 2019. She works as a commercial photography and has years of experience in the field.
Mr. Sudhir Nair : Mentor
Mr. Sudhir Nair, is the director of Chasing Dreams and played a key role as a mentor.
Goa Photo Project 2019 Winners
Bani Majik, Devraj Parab and Vaishakhi Pilankar bagged the awards for Goa Photo Project 2019 in style.
Venue : The Angriya
An exceptional event requires an exceptional venue. And
Capt. Erwin Sequeira also received a memento of thanks. On behalf of M.V Angriya and Management, for his flawless services.
To Conclude…
In the exclusive event with exemplary photographs the story doesn’t end here. The basic idea behind the competition was the new project by “Lokaso” which will bring the biggest section of tourist and travellers of the state closer to the photographers who have been short-listed from GPP-2019.
And they will be given a profile made on Lokaso, By Lokaso.